Tuesday, March 11, 2008

V's Moment of Truth

I think I've found a new vice... and it comes in the form of trainwreck television. It doesn't have any has-been tv stars, like pretty much every show on VH-1. And it doesn't have lower-class people being exploited, like on Jerry Springer. This is, in some ways, worse...

This is Moment of Truth on Fox.

This show challenges the honesty of Americans. A person gets on stage by him or herself with the host. They can invite people to sit near the stage as "support." That support is usually husbands or wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, close friends, etc. The host repeats questions to the person onstage that were asked to them earlier. The only difference is that the questions asked before the show were taken while the person was attached to a lie detector. Around 50-100 questions are asked offstage, the person has no clue how the lie detector read, and they have no idea which questions will be asked when the cameras are actually rolling.

The questions come in tiers. The first tier is six questions, the second is five, the third is four, etc. If you make it through the first tier, you win $10,000. If you make it through the second, you win $25,000. If you make it through all six tiers by answering all 21 questions correctly, you win $500,000.

It pays to be honest, doesn't it? Hmmm...

It's not so bad on the show at first, either. Once the cameras are rolling, they repeat the questions while the cameras are rolling, the person onstage needs to give the correct answers... that is, the answers that either registered the truth or would've answered the truth according to the lie detector. The first six questions are easy ones... like "do you think you're fat?" or "do you wish you owned more cats?"

It's easy to win $10,000, but if you answer ANY question wrong, you lose everything. You can quit before a question is asked and save yourself. Once you get into the second tier... well... let me give you the rundown of last night.

This lady was on the show last night and had her mom, brother, and husband as her guests. Among the questions asked...

Have you ever fantasized about having sex with a New York Yankee player while having sex with your husband? She said yes, and hubby thought it was hilarious. The look on the host's face was like "If you thought that was funny, wait til you see the next few jokes."

Have you ever fantasized about having sex with your co-worker? The woman owned a business with one other person... so she has only one co-worker. She said yes. Hubby didn't think it was funny anymore.

Did you invite anyone to the wedding that you have had a previous sexual relationship with? She said yes, and hubby looked like he was ready to punch the host in the face and drive over his wife with his Honda. She looked right at him after she answered and said defiantly "I'll NEVER tell you who it was." Damn.

Then they switched to grilling her about her mom. They asked "Do you think you're a better mom to your kids than your mom was to you?" Her mom said that she wasn't that great and hoped that she was. The woman said yes, and the answer was true.

Then they asked "Do you think your husband's parents were better to you than your own parents?" She started crying and opened up... saying her parents missed some things in her life and it hurt, but her in-laws were always there. She said yes, and the answer was true. So now, her mom AND her hubby are pissed.

The last question she answered before she took her $100,000 and walked was "Do you have any secrets that would potentially destroy your marriage?" You could see the tears coming down, and she said yes. The answer was true. The host said "I bet you two are going to talk about this and there is no getting out of it." The hubby said "You're damn right. No getting out of it." The woman got up and hugged hubby and said she loves him. He had this look on his face, as if to say "enjoy your moment, b*tch... cuz when we get home, it's on."

I feel sorry for the GUESTS that the participant invites. Here the participant is... thinking they have absolutely nothing to hide. They invite the people closest to them, and they are feeling good... and by the time the show is over, they have answered questions about the people they INVITED that could ruin their relationships and cost them their jobs. I don't feel sorry for the participant, because they chose to do it. But the guests had no idea what was coming and they get embarassed on national tv just as much, if not more, than the person being questioned. These people think that they have NOTHING to hide, and they can't wait to collect their money for being so honest and sweet. Then they get on, they sh*t their underwear the first time a question comes up that they don't want aired, they realize that the worst has yet to come, and wish that someone would stop the madness.

And I watch every second of it while sitting on the edge of my seat. I know that's sad to watch people wreck their lives for our entertainment... but once those questions are asked, you can't help but think things like "she better say no!" or "oooohhhh... someone is in trouble!" It sucks you in... or at least it does to me. Maybe I watch, because I know that is one of the few shows I'd never go on. I know I have sh*t in my closet... I'd prefer not having it exposed on prime time. So since I won't do it, I'll watch other people who think they're braver than most crash into a brick wall.

If you really think you have nothing to hide, I CHALLENGE you to go on that show. That host will make sure that you realize how dirty your closet is. And when your embarassment is over, I'll pass you popcorn and tissues.

By the way, no one has won $500,000 yet. However, there have been plenty of losers and people who walk away with their tail between their legs.

1 comment:

Dee said...

So, i'm sitting here reading and rereading this blog....and i really don't think i could go on T.V.and air all my personal business...NOT only because YES i have done some things in my past that i'm really not proud of ..and i'm sure they would come out in the moment of truth....but NOT only would it hurt me it's how "I" would feel to lose the respect,trust that i have with my family and my sons...*sigh* Is the money worth losing your integrity....OR the truth is..MONEY can buy anything including your integrity.....sometimes, it's just not worth it...plain and simple, it takes a life time to build trust and a second to tear it down...sad...*sigh* The past is finished. (There is nothing to be gained by going over it. Whatever it gave us in the experiences it brought us was something we had to know. author: Laura Beard)