Tuesday, January 22, 2008


According to Webster's dictionary, the definition of freedom is as follows:

1. the quality or state of being free: as a: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b: liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence c: the quality or state or exempt or released usually from something onerous d: ease facility e: the quality of being frank, open or outspoken f: improper familiarity g: boldness of conception or execution h: unrestricted use 2a: a political right b: franchise privilege

Does freedom mean that you should be able to get on the radio and talk about nappy-headed hos until you're blue in the face with no repercussion?

Does freedom mean you should be able to shop for magazines without seeing pictures that conjure up images of the days when some people were considered less than human?

Does freedom mean you should be able to show pride in your race, sex, or religion without being considered racist?

Does freedom mean you should be proud of who you are, especially if you don't fit into the "typical" mold of what someone who looks like you should be? (This is a shout out to Bryant Gumbel, Wayne Brady, and Carlton Banks for doing their thing.)

Does freedom mean not having your inner demons affect you for the rest of your life?

Does freedom mean being able to do things that may create more inner demons, with no repercussions, and just for the story?

Does freedom mean destroying anyone who doesn't agree with your concept of freedom? That doesn't just mean other countries or religions... it means the poor and homeless as well.

Does freedom mean loving and tolerating people who disagree with our concept of freedom, in order to move toward a peaceful, "freer" world?

Does freedom mean freedom through Christ or others?

Does freedom mean believing that our creation and destiny have nothing to do with a higher power?

Freedom can't mean all of the above. So here's the bigger question - is true freedom a real thing, or is it an impossible idea? What do you think?

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