Monday, April 14, 2008

Props to the Whopper Guy!

In the day and age of most restaurants declaring that they would like to move toward more healthy menus, I must give great respect to Burger King.

You read that correctly. Much respect to whoppers and onion rings. Here is why. I'll use McDonald's as the example for most restaurants.

McDonald's took the brunt of the wrath of the health food industry. From every media outlet to movies like Supersize This!, McDonald's represented the evils of trans fat, too much salt, hydrogenated oils, and pretty much every disgusting substance that you shouldn't put in your body.

The result?

McDonald's started a campaign to show that it's TRYING to be healthier. They make sure people know that they use real chicken (as opposed to the chicken mix that comes in the white box with the black lettering that says "CHICKEN"?) and added more chicken sandwiches, they switched to using oils with no trans fats, and they added salads to the menu.

Sounds great, right?

What they didn't tell you is that they covered up the healthiness of the new chicken sandwiches with fattening marinades, fatty bread, and extra cheese. And they covered up the healthiness of the salads with dressings that were injected with extra fat.

So to bring that back to the original statement... this makes me respect Burger King even more.


Because they are comfortable with who they are.

In the middle of restaurants trying to be healthier, Burger King is doing the opposite. I can almost hear the Burger King CEO saying something like this:

"If people are eating at Burger King, they don't give a f*ck what they put in their system. They want fat foods? We'll help them out. How about a triple burger with extra cheese? F*ck the salads... we'll put extra salt on the fries and extra sauce on the whoppers! That's not enough? How about starting your day out right? Hey, you f*cks working in the food invention area... how about hooking up a breakfast with over 2,000 calories and 200 grams of fat in one serving? And can we hook that up with a cup of extra strong coffee? Once we do that, why don't we give people spoons so they can scoop up the fat out of the drains. If they don't want to suck it down that way, we can take the hardened fat and just glue in their fat *sses. Extra fat on the fat for those fat f*cks! And we'll make it easier by building Burger Kings at a faster rate than McDonald's and Starbucks combined! We'll be the Starbucks of heart attacks! At Burger King, they can have it their way, and we'll help out any way we can!"

I respect Burger King, because they don't cover up a d*mn thing. They know their food is made of fat, and you do too. They won't try to hide it. They know what the people want, and they'll go the extra step to give it to them, industry trends be d*mned. BK is comfortable in their own skin. McDonald's is clearly not. Gotta respect the King.

Of course, I still won't be eating there any time soon.

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